Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis

Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis

When it comes to addressing spinal conditions that require fusion surgery, advancements in medical technology have paved the way for less invasive procedures. Pain Interventions, a trusted pain management office, offers Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis as an innovative spinal fusion procedure. This page will provide an overview of the procedure, its benefits, and why Pain Interventions is the ideal choice for your spinal fusion needs.


What is Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis?
Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis is a spinal fusion technique that combines lateral (from the side) and posterior (from the back) approaches. This approach allows for a less invasive procedure compared to traditional open surgery, minimizing tissue damage, reducing blood loss, and promoting a faster recovery.

During the procedure, specialized instruments and guidance through imaging technology are used to access the affected area of the spine. The surgeon then removes damaged discs, inserts bone grafts or interbody spacers, and places screws or rods to stabilize the spine and promote fusion. The use of minimally invasive techniques allows for smaller incisions and less disruption to surrounding tissues, resulting in less postoperative pain and a quicker return to daily activities.

How Can Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis Help You?
Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis can effectively treat a range of spinal conditions, including:

  1. Degenerative disc disease: This condition involves the breakdown of discs between the vertebrae, leading to pain, reduced mobility, and nerve compression. Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis can help stabilize the affected segment of the spine, alleviate pain, and restore function.
  2. Spondylolisthesis: Spondylolisthesis occurs when a vertebra slips out of its normal position, causing spinal instability and nerve compression. Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis can address the instability and promote fusion, relieving associated symptoms.
  3. Spinal stenosis: Narrowing of the spinal canal can compress the spinal cord or nerves, resulting in pain, numbness, and weakness. Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis can help decompress the affected area and provide stability.

The Benefits of Choosing Pain Interventions
When you choose Pain Interventions for Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis, you can expect:

  1. Expert spine surgeons: Our highly skilled team of spine specialists in Rochester, NY, has extensive experience in performing Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis, ensuring precise and effective results.
  2. Personalized treatment plans: We understand that each patient's spinal condition is unique. Our team will develop a personalized treatment plan tailored to your specific needs, ensuring optimal pain relief and improved spinal stability.
  3. Advanced techniques and technology: Pain Interventions utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and advanced surgical techniques to perform Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis, ensuring accurate targeting and maximum effectiveness.
  4. Comprehensive care: We provide comprehensive pre- and post-operative care, closely monitoring your progress and offering additional support or adjustments to your treatment plan as necessary.

Take the First Step towards Spinal Fusion

If you're seeking a less invasive spinal fusion procedure, Minimally Invasive Lateral Posterior Arthrodesis may be the solution you've been looking for. Contact Pain Interventions today to schedule a consultation with our spine specialists. Experience the benefits of this advanced procedure